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Kontakt zur Oldtimer Youngtimer App Dieter Gandras
Am Losenberg 13
59939 Olsberg
Tel. 02904 976761 /
Mobil 0175 3487484
E-Mail: kontakt@dieter-gandras.de

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Oldtimer – Youngtimer – App

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Rolls-Royce Enthusiast´s Club

StraßeThe Hunt House High Street
Ort / PLZPaulerspury Northamptonshire NN12 7NA
Beschreibung"The International home for anyone, whether an owner or non-owner, with an interest in the motor car products of Rolls-Royce, including Bentley cars built from 1933 onwards"
Öffnungszeiten"The Hunt House is open from 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. If you would like to visit, please call or e-mail us in advance."